Compare Google Nest smart speakers & hubs

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Compare all Google Nest Wi-Fi smart speakers and smart hubs ever released on specifications and features with the comparison table on this page.

Note: two products have been renamed at a later date:

  1. The Home Mini was renamed to ‘Nest Mini’ (gen 1)
  2. The Home Hub was renamed to ‘Nest Hub’ (gen 1)

The comparison table below shows these products with their original (launch) name.


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Want to compare two Google Nest smart speakers side-by-side to quickly spot the differences? For instance: Nest Hub vs Nest Hub Max? Click the link below to use the side-by-side comparison tool.

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Not good
NameImageMSRPCurrent price ReleasedAvailability Audio channelsWoofersTweetersSubwoofersDisplay?Display size?ResolutionMicrophones
(built in)
Camera?Motion sensing?Ultrasound sensor?Ambient light
Wi-FiBluetoothApp compatibilityMultiroom?Stereo pair?Charging port
3.5 mm AUX
Other ports?Voice control?Voice match?Quick Gestures?Touch control?Other buttonsIndicator lightsSize (cm H×W×D)Weight (kg)Size (inch H×W×D)Weight (lbs)Mounting
Color options:Included the box:Model numberManualOfficial site:
Nest Hub
(gen 2)
1× 43.5 mm full range007 inch1024×600✔ (motion sensing
& sleep sensing)
✔ (for screen brightness)Wi-Fi 5Bluetooth 5.0Google Home appDCTouchscreenMic on/off switch,
2 volume buttons
12.04×17.74×6.950.5584.74×6.98×2.741.23Black (Charcoal),
White (Chalk), Blue (Mist), Pink (Sand)
Power adapter
(1.5 m cable)
Nest Audiogoogle-nest-audio$99Amazon2020Available1.0
1× 3″1× 0.75″0NANAWi-Fi 5Bluetooth 5.0Google Home appDC3 touch areasMic on/off switch4 (center)17.50×12.40×7.801.2006.89×4.88×3.072.65Black (Charcoal),
White (Chalk), Green (Sage), Pink (Sand), Blue (Sky)
Power adapter
(1.5 m cable)
Nest Mini
(gen 2)
1× 40 mm
'40% deeper bass than gen 1'
00NANAWi-Fi 5Bluetooth 5.0Google Home appDC3 touch areasMic on/off switch4 (center) +
2 (L&R touch area)
4.20×9.80×9.800.1811.65×3.85×3.850.40Black (Charcoal),
White (Chalk)
Power adapter
(1.5 m cable)
Nest Hub Maxgoogle-nest-hub-max$229Amazon2019Available2.0
1× 3″ (30 W)2× 0.7″ (10 W each)010 inch1280×800✔ (6.5 MP)
(video calling)
❌ (uses camera)✔ (for screen brightness)Wi-Fi 5Bluetooth 5.0Google Home appDC✔ + Face matchTouchscreenCam & mic on/off switch,
2 volume buttons
18.3×25.0×10.11.3207.19×9.85×3.992.91Black (Charcoal),
White (Chalk)
Power adapter
(1.5 m cable)
Home Hubgoogle-home-hub$149Amazon2018Discontinued1.0
1× 43.5 mm full range007 inch1024×600✔ (for screen brightness)Wi-Fi 5Bluetooth 5.0Google Home appDCTouchscreenMic on/off switch,
2 volume buttons
11.80×17.85×6.730.4804.65×7.02×2.651.06Black (Charcoal),
White (Chalk), Pink (Sand), Blue (Aqua)
Power adapter
(1.5 m cable)
GA00516X-GA00515XOnline manualPage discontinued
Home Maxgoogle-home-max$399Amazon2017Discontinued2.0
2× 4.5″2× 0.7″0NANA✔ (for LED brightness)Wi-Fi 5Bluetooth 4.2Google Home appACUSB-C1 touch area,
1 swipe area (volume)
Mic on/off switch4 (center)19.0×33.66×15.445.3007.4×13.2×6.011.68Black (Charcoal),
White (Chalk)
Power cable
(2.0 m)
GA00222Online manualPage discontinued
Home Minigoogle-home-mini$49Amazon2017Discontinued1.0
1× 40 mm00NANAWi-Fi 5Bluetooth 4.1Google Home appMicro-USB2 touch areasMic on/off switch4 (center)4.20×9.80×9.800.1731.65×3.86×3.860.38Black (Charcoal),
White (Chalk), Orange (Coral)
Power adapter
(1.5 m cable)
GG1STAPG1Online manualPage discontinued
Google Homegoogle-home$129Amazon2016Discontinued1.0
2× 2″00NANA✔ (for LED brightness)Wi-Fi 5Bluetooth 4.1Google Home appDCMicro-USB
(service only)
1 touch area,
1 swipe area (volume)
Mic on/off button12 (top)14.28×9.64×9.640.4775.62×3.79×3.791.05WhitePower adapter
(1.8 m cable)
GA3A00417A14Online manualPage discontinued


  1. Stereo pairing is only possible with two speakers of the exact same model. Meaning you can’t stereo pair a Google Nest Audio with a Nest Mini (either generation), and you can’t pair a Nest Mini (gen 2) with a Home Mini / Nest Mini (gen 1).
  2. Some products have been renamed from ‘Home’ to ‘Nest’. The Google Home Hub has been later renamed to ‘Google Nest Hub (Gen 1)’, and the Google Home Mini has been renamed to ‘Google Nest Mini (Gen 1)’.
  3. Google Nest speakers & hubs also come with paperwork such as manuals, quick start guides, privacy and safety information, but this is omitted in the column ‘Included in the box’ in the table.

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